
Monday, May 29, 2006

My first time at the Beach! Posted by Picasa

Ahh, Dad this is cold!! Posted by Picasa

I don't like the waves, they are scary!! Posted by Picasa

I love my Mommy!! Posted by Picasa

Can I eat the sand? Posted by Picasa

At the Parade. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 28, 2006

You can't tell we have the same grandmother... Posted by Picasa

Long Police Academy Graduation, about time I get some shut eye. Posted by Picasa

Ah Dad, it's Nana and that kitty voice lady. Posted by Picasa

Uncle Travis what's this game? Posted by Picasa

I will just sit here and wait. Posted by Picasa

Ohhh, the happy family! Posted by Picasa

Dad who's the guy in the white gloves? Is he breathing? Posted by Picasa

Cool whistle Uncle Tim. Posted by Picasa

Guys Where is my crib? Where am I? Why do I have to go to bed, it's only 10:00? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Time to take a bath dude! Posted by Picasa

The great Nana and the Great Papa came to my birthday party. Posted by Picasa

Am I suppose to eat this? Posted by Picasa

Yummy Posted by Picasa

Cake? Posted by Picasa

Me and my Lion King friends. Posted by Picasa

Already for the beach! Posted by Picasa

These are MY presents!! Posted by Picasa

My new tricycle. Posted by Picasa

Cassidy can you believe this they just stepped out of the car and they are already taking pictures of me. Posted by Picasa