
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Me and the girls at daycare havin' a little snack. Posted by Picasa

Have a sippy cup at daycare. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 22, 2006

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Monday, January 16, 2006

Is this how you use this thing?? Posted by Picasa

I am practicing my splits for the 2024 Olympics. Posted by Picasa

I LOVE BATH TIME!!! (even if it is in the kitchen sink) Posted by Picasa

Hey why doesn't everyone come down to my level? You like my party hat?? Posted by Picasa

This is my cousin Cassidy. She had a birthday party on Sunday, and I gave her this LL Bean bag. Posted by Picasa

Is this a comb or musical instrument?? Posted by Picasa

Hey Grampy Frost, this one is for you, plumbers crack : ) Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 02, 2006

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! Posted by Picasa

Hey mom did we miss the memo to wear green this morning? Posted by Picasa

Hey will you be my friend? Posted by Picasa

Ahhh, Christmas time, time to relax. Relax Braiden. (I hope these presents don't fall on my head.) Posted by Picasa

Holy cow, let's open presents!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Hey Cadence has my care bear, I am going to take her book. Posted by Picasa

The don't let me sleep in, they tell me this guy named Santa came, and then they give me a sock filled with baby food. I am not sure about this holiday? Posted by Picasa

Hey, is this how you open presents? Posted by Picasa

Awsome my own phone. Posted by Picasa

My uncle gave me this, not sure what it means. Posted by Picasa

What is a DVD? Posted by Picasa

See Nana this is how you clap. Posted by Picasa

I was sick for the first time at nanny's house. Posted by Picasa

See I made it to midnight. I even saw the ball drop for the first time. Posted by Picasa

me, mom and the girls on the first day of 2006 Posted by Picasa